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Tunisia Map 1.0.1 (Demo Version) ETS2 1.38 1.39 (Standalone map)
Changelog v1.0.1:
Fixed some textures bugs
Tunisia Map is a standalone 1:1 scale.
I would like provide realistic places and environement
This is a demo version and still under development.
You may encounter some bugs.
You must own all map DLCs.
Going Est
Vive la France
Beyond the Baltic Sea
Road to the Black Sea
How to install
Place the TunisiaDemo.scs file into your mod folder.
If you play for the first time :
1. Create a new profile
2. Activate the mod in your mod manager
3. Select TunisiaDemo.mbd instead of Europe before starting the game.
4. Start the game !
Thank You
 Live Report of TUNISIA MAP V1.0.1 D...
Source Google Translate.
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