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Neoplan Starliner 2 [1.39.x]





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Neoplan Starliner 2 [1.39.x]

Ara modeli ba?tan editlenip i karoser ve kokpit ba?tan izildi.
Komple full AO at?ld?.
Kap? ve cam animasyonlar? eklendi. (Bagaj animasyonu yok)
Standart man motoru d2676 sesi eklendi.
Firma skin kaplamalar? eklendi.
Fizikleri dzenlendi.

nemli Bilgilendirme: Art?k modlar?m?zda bagaj animasyonuna yer verilmeyecektir.
Sebebi hem yksek poligon yznden, nemli sebebi ise oyun motoru hareketli
paralar zerinde ???kland?rma deste?i vermedi?i iin, a?lan bagaj
kap?lar?ndaki ???kland?rmay? yapam?yorduk. Buda gece grnmnde kt grnme
sebebiyet veriyordu.

The vehicle model was re-edited and the interior bodywork and cockpit were
Complete full AO was thrown.
Door and window animations have been added. (No luggage animation)
Standard man engine d2676 sound added.
Firm skin skins have been added.
Their physics were arranged.

Important Information: Baggage animation will no longer be included in our mods.
The reason was both because of the high polygon, and the important reason was that
the game engine did not provide lighting support on the moving parts, we could
not light the opened tailgates. Buddha was causing a bad appearance in the
night view.

CREDITS: Proje Sahibi: OyuncuyusBisMods | rc? (?nterior | Oyuna Aktaran Model Dzenleme: Artin Kazanc?yan | Skinpack: Do?ancan ztrk Arda Sa?lam


GAME: Euro Truck Simulator 2
DATE: 2020-12-14 00:00:00

Downloads: 123
SIZE: 105.0 MB



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Uploaded 4 years ago     Downloads: 123    Likes: 94    Comments: 1


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Source Google Translate.



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Moyidheen Rocks
Posted 4 years ago



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